Takes 3-6 Minutes


Crafttopia Is An Non Pay To Win Lifesteal Survival SMP With An Econemy System Where You Can Build Bases Or Fight
You Can Use The Command /duel To Duel
Your Friends Or Anybody


/duel <playername> [Sends An Duel Request To A Player]
/sethome [sets your home]
/shop [opens the shop]
/sellgui [lets you input item that you wanna sell]
/npca open [opens the auction house]
/balance [shows your balance]
/lobby [teleports you to the lobby]
/home [teleports you back to your home]
/tpr <playername> [sends an tp reqeust]
/tpraccept <playername> [accepts the tp request]
/rtp [teleports you random on the map]

There Are Many More Commands But They Are Simple To Understand.


Crafttopia 🚧